Monday, July 4, 2011

Casey Anthony Trial -- Baez and Mason -- Abbott and Costello

Inept. Incompetent. Bozos. Out of their league. Outmaneuvered. Outplayed. Whining. Sneaky. Small time.

I was watching the prosecution rebuttal by Jeff Ashton in the Casey Anthony trial. As Ashton read the law on first degree murder, the defense comedians objected several times saying that Ashton was misinterpreting the law. They were quickly overruled by Judge Belvin Perry but it didn't stop these jokers from persisting. Every time that Ashton stated something in the law that pertained directly to the guilt of Casey Anthony, the minor leagues ambulance chasers objected. They were proving their own ignorance of the law, in a last ditch attempt to influence the jury. It was having the opposite effect.

If Casey Anthony gets the death penalty for killing Caylee, these bozos share some of the blame. They have proven that they don't have the class, finesse and skill to play in the big leagues.

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