Friday, November 28, 2008

[Rumour] Changmin's Incident

There have been several requests for this in the chatbox. I cannot verify the accuracy of this. But here's what I've found. Please let me know if u have seen other accounts of this incident

Chinese Fan Account
我在韩国的姐姐说那两个根本不算是什么在饭,顶多就俩HC,跟《韩流飓风》有点联系,是小编还是什么的...饭过很多韩星 在中只能算是最近的一个,所以说不能算是中仙做得,大家这样想会少纠结一些吧。

结果那俩就在过道上冲神起休息室狂用英语骂人,还骂了出来的经济人。很多仙后倒是都知道这事。我姐说 没想到她们还会追去机场闹事...

- Baidu Changmin Bar

"My sister who's in Korea says that the two girls can't really be considered Jaejoong's fans. They've liked a bunch of Korean stars, and Jaejoong is just one of the recent ones that they liked, so they aren't really Jae's fans.

After the performance (AN: I'm not sure which one they're talking about), something did occur between them and Jaejoong and Changmin. My sister, who went to the performance, said that while DBSK was offstage, Jaejoong and Changmin went to the bathroom. The bathrooms weren't locked, so the two girls followed them in. It was the men's bathroom too. Jaejoong looked angry but didn't do anything, however, Changmin was very mad. He might have verbally retaliated or scolded them, which is why the girls got angry.

Shortly afterward, the two girls rushed into DBSK's resting room and cursed at them in English. When their manager ran in, they also started screaming at him. Lots of Cassiopeia (AN: Chinese Cassies only, I would assume) found out about this, but my sister said that she didn't expect the two girls to pursue DBSK all the way to the airport and cause a scene there.

Once my sister told me this, I checked on the Korean sites for news but nowhere did it say that DBSK was actually hit. But Korean Cassies who were at the airport did upload pictures of the two girls onto CY (AN: I think that's Cyworld?). Most Korean Cassies don't know about this (the bathroom incident) yet, only what happened at the airport."

Translation by cartoongirl7@soompi

These are just rumours and fan accounts. Please don't take them for facts. No one's really sure whether these incidents even happened or not.

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