Monday, August 25, 2008

[MISC] Naoya Urata from Japanese band AAA Blogs about JaeJoong

From AAA's Naoya Urata's blog:


Rough English Translation:

Today I met a good friend!!
Tohoshinki's JaeJoong~!!

Oh~ He's an attractive guy.
And he twinkled~!!! (T/N: He means something along the lines of Jae's 'aura' sparkling)
JaeJoong is a very cool guy~!!!

Thanks to supervictoria64 @ dbsgLJ for posting :)

It's great to see the two budding together and Jaejoong lossening up to fellow Japanese company mates (note: they are under both under Avex), and its totally nice of Urata to post about how cool Jaejoong is ^^ Thats really what all us fangirls want to hear.

There was previously a female model who blogged about Changmin and Yoochun. Hope I can find it to post it up here for those who missed it. Found. See post below!

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