Saturday, March 1, 2008

[Trans] Pinky April Part 1

I posted part II a short while back. I missed out part 1 without realising is. So here it is..

Pinky April Part 1

Date of birth:
YH: 86.02.06
CM: 88.02.18
JJ: 86.01.26
YC: 86.06.04
JS: 87.01.01

YH: 184cm
CM: 188cm
JJ: 178cm
YC: 180cm
JS: 178cm

Blood type:

YH: A sister 2 years younger
CM: 2 sisters, one a year younger, the other 4 years younger
JJ: 8 sisters. I’m the youngest
YC: A brother 5 years younger
JS: A twin brother

Good/Bad points:
YH: Good point: Have a strong will Bad point: I can be gullible
CM: Good point: B blood type. Bad point is also B blood type
JJ: Good point: The space between my eyes is very wide. Bad point: Whenever TVXQ does a photo shoot, I’m the shortest
YC: Good point: Good at cleaning up. Bad point: My face
JS: My good and bad points is that I can be too enthusiastic

Favourite Food:
YH: Motsunabe
CM: Pizza filled with cheese and vegetables
JJ: Sushi
YC: Japanese curry. Especially when there are mushrooms in it
JS: Natto, I eat it as a snack

Favourite Japanese word:
YH: “to look forward to” (Akogareru) I looked up to my father since I was a child. However, I don’t know when it started but I now want others to respect me too

CM: ‘Don’t give up’ (Akirameruna) Once something has started, the thing I hate most is giving up halfway

JJ: [Miniskirt] HAHA. I’m just joking. It’s actually ‘Thank you’ (arigato). Because I always have a cheerful expression whenever I say it

YC: A phrase I remember from a long time back. ‘Piggyback’ (Onbu) If a girl says something like that, I really want to give her a piggyback. Usually, when you’re chatting while piggybacking someone, the feeling is different. Definitely

JS: ‘Milkway’ (Amanogawa) I like this word in Korean too

Something that still continues to surprise you in Japan:
YH: Earthquakes. There are none in Korea. I was so scared the first time I experienced one

CM: Seeing males cross dressing for cosplay

JJ: High school students/Office workers cycle wearing super short mini skirts

YC: Japanese females cycle wearing super short miniskirts! If my girlfriend ever wants to do that, I’ll definitely say no!

JS: Seeing males dress up as Princesses when cosplaying

Please say your slogan:
YH: [The man of all men is Yunho/ Yunho is the manliest] Although I have my inadequacies, but my dad does that (too)

CM: [Purple Changmin]. Purple has seems to have a weird image?

JJ: [Compared to a cheerful Jaejoong, I prefer a depressed Jaejoong] It’s not that I’ll nap in the afternoon; I think that being focused at night is the best

YC: [Yoochun likes piano better than coffee]

JS: [An honest Junsu. I want to become such a person]

What you want most now is?
YH: Leather gloves

CM: Time. Recently I watched an Irish movie called [Once] and started developing an interest in guitars. So I want to learn the guitar
JJ: A girlfriend!!!!!

YC: A steam cleaner (T/N: To clean the house or to iron his clothes?)

JS: Instruments needed to compose a song

What do you treasure/ What do you like?
YH: Photography. Members, family, friends and the 3 versions of our album

CM: My health. I sometimes worry for my health

JJ: Black things

YC: Sukura Sake. I first drank it when I went to a hot spring last year

JS: Game. I’m very addicted to DS games. I once played too much and cause something bad to happen

Ideal holiday:
YH: I want to go see the beautiful night scenery alone. I would like to think ponder over the things that trouble me about the future and now

CM: I want to get my license. So I want to go driving. If possible, I want to buy a car

JJ: Meeting friends

YC: I want to go back to the ski resort again. I went to one in Korea for 4 days 3 nights

JS: Watching movies, sleeping or playing games. Going shopping anywhere is fine as well. I want to travel

What household chores are you in charge of among the 5?
YH: Cook ramen. When I lived alone, although I made many varieties, now Jaejoong makes (the ramen)

CM: Keeping the area around me clean

JJ: Everything! I feel very happy whenever I see them eating the food deliciously. However, I hate it when they don’t finish their food (T/N: JAEJOONG IS SUCH A MOMMA. Memories of momma shouting at me to finish my food *shudders*)

YC: Making food for myself. Last time, I made cream spaghetti for the first time

JS: Cleaning up with the group. We rotate ‘dishwashers’ every 3 days. Within the house, I’m in charge of ‘smiling’. I do it happily. HAHA. (T/N: In other words, Junsu does NOTHING else but smile and wash dishes when it’s his turn =.= )

What you’re working hard at to become manlier?
YH: Reading. Listen intently to people

CM: Give more happy smiles. And to lift dumbbells at home

JJ: For fashion trends, I’ll work hard. And to exercise endurance. I’ll quit smoking from 2008 onwards

YC: I can also express myself by talking less, and listening intently when others speak

JS: I’m trying to keep promises I made. This is important

Your favorite THSK song is? And the reason is?
YH: [Hug]. Without this song, THSK wouldn’t be where we are today

CM: [Heart, Mind and Soul] from the first album. Although Japanese was still a strange language to us then, and furthermore, we sang it without grasping the full meaning of the song. However, when I listen to it now, I think the lyrics are really sad

JJ: [Summer Dream]. Because this song let many people know about THSK

YC: [Love in the Ice]. The first time I saw people cry because of the song, I really felt like crying soon afterwards

JS: [Rising Sun] Because I think that besides THSK, no one else in the world will be able to sing it.

This was found in their bags today:
YH: This is the handphone I use in Korea. I can even play games with it, and it's filled with photos that bring back memories. Even the private photos the members take of each other!

CM: iPod. I even bring the mini speakers around so I can listen to it anywhere. I often listen to music by BOYZ II MEN, etc.

JJ: LV Diary. I'll write down my feelings that any point in time

YC: This Tiffany bracelet was my first gift from my younger brother 4 years ago. I wear it around everyday

JS: I use this notebook to write songs or play online games. I even played games with the members today

Translation Credits: sparkskey


Psst.. April.. I don't think you'd like Yunho's HP. It has traces of pink! LOL..

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