Tuesday, January 1, 2008

[TRANS] Xmas Date with THSK ~ Winter Love talk

Xmas with THSK ~ Winter Love Talk

Q: How do you usually spend Christmas in Korea?

JJ: We’ll go drinking!

YC: There are many ways of celebrating. Having a party with friends or family or going out to play

Q: In Japan, they’ll spend Christmas with their other half. If it were you guys, what do you want to do with your girlfriend?

YH: I want a normal date. Going to the movies together, sipping red wine while eating.. I would like to do something like this

JS: I would like to walk on the streets holding her hand. I also want to take photos together to keep it as a memory

YC: Even if it’s only for 5, 10 minutes, I would still want to meet up with my girlfriend…. Then I want to kiss her.

Q: Wow~~ That was a very strong exclamation

CM: I…..

JS: Changmin isn’t interested in these kinds of things! (ie: Dating)

CM: That’s not true! I want to go to the amusement park, and then sit on the Ferris wheel together

JS: What do you want to do on the Ferris wheel?

CM: What? Just talking….

YC: I want to kiss.

JS: Stop it, you’re just thinking of kissing

Q: (laughs)Right. You just released a single entitled [Forever Love]. Does everyone here believe in a love that’s everlasting?

YH + JS: I believe! *answering immediately*

JJ: I…….. would like to believe in it

YC: I think it’s very amazing

Q: What about Changmin?

JS: Changmin isn’t interested in these kinds of things!

CM: That’s not true! It’s a little different from what Junsu said. It isn’t that I’m not interested but it’s just that I’ve never thought of it before. Because I don’t really have experience in this area

Q: Ah~ I see. So what kind of Christmas presents do you want to prepare?

CM: I would like to give my girlfriend the same kind of flowers that we used for the photo shoot. Then what I would like my girlfriend to give me is the ‘times’ we spent from dawn to dusk

YH: Oh~~ I… I would like to become a Santa Claus just for one day for the one I like. I would like to do stuff that only women do up to now, like cooking.

JJ: Umm………. I can’t think of anything just relying on my imagination!

YH: This person, is very practical, therefore, this question isn’t suitable for him

JJ: OK OK. *laughs* I’ll answer this question too. I want to book the whole amusement park for my girlfriend then tell her ‘Just for today, the whole amusement park is yours!’

YC: I want to go too!

JJ: Why? *laughs*

YC: Then, I also have something I want to do. It’s very cold during winter right? I would like to wear a huge jacket to cover my girlfriend *gesturing while he speaks* (T/N: He means he wants to wear a jacket large enough to cover the 2 of them then they’ll be moving in unison.) I really want to do that

JS: You watch too much movies!

JJ: I want to do something else too! I want to bring my girlfriend to Shibuya and tell her ‘Wait for me in front of 109’. Then on the large screen, I want to play a video that I made just for her. And I’ll tell her in the video ‘I only have you, this fellow, in my eyes!’ *screams*

JS: Is it okay to say ‘this fellow’?

JJ: Saying these words there, I really feel very embarrassed. However, there’s no difference! World peace! (T/N: He said some popular phrase used in Japanese Variety shows nowadays)

JS: I really want to change that phrase for you

Q: *laughs* So how will you spend this Christmas?

YH: Last year, we had to work in Japan. There was a very amusing incident that occurred. After we finished recording, we went to a Roppongi. Suddenly we heard someone go ‘Excuse me…’

JJ: When we heard that I wanted to say ‘Ah~ We’re discovered?? Our popularity is on the rise!!’

CM: Then the couple said to us ‘Can you please help us take a photo?’ So we helped the perfect couple take a photo

JS: What do you want to do this Christmas?

Manager: …………

YH: We have to work this year too?! It’s okay…

Translated by: Sparkskey@Soompi
Credits: Hkcassiopeia, CTF

Hope you all enjoyed it! HAPPY 2008 to all DBSKer readers!!!


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