Saturday, January 12, 2008

F4 copies TVXQ's Step By Step

F4新 MV學東方神起 F4《在這裡等你》MV被爆抄襲韓國男子團體東方神起的《Step by step》,網友不僅在部落格上貼出2支MV的相似畫面,還諷刺將《在這裡等你》改稱《在這裡學你》;但F4所屬Sony BMG仍否認抄襲,表示“英雄所見略同”。
《在這裡等你》MV由導演賴偉康執導,Sony BMG企劃人員解釋,言承旭身后有櫻花,是因他在日本很紅;吳建豪身后的大樓,是要表達他常在不同城市中穿梭,不認抄襲。

F4 latest MV "waiting for you" has been said to copy Korean Boyband TVXQ!'s Step By Step. Fans not only posted the images of both MV for comparison, but also renamed the song title to "copying/learning from you". However, F4's management company Sony BMG has denied that they've copied and said; its just coincidence

The MV "waiting for you"'s director, and Sony BMG's producer explained that Jerry Yan's sakura background was choose because he is very popular in Japan. And Vanness Wu's background of big buildings is to express that he is often in different cities strolling, denying that it was copied.

Translation: kamyla_tamara @ LJ
From: 中國報/ Chinapress

I guess its rather harsh to say that they copied TVXQ. But can notice some similarities between the 2 MVs. Perhaps its a coincidence as quoted. I'm glad though that TVXQ's MV was the one that was released first. Otherwise, they'd be the ones accused of cheating. For a boyband of TVXQ's status. I think it would be very insulting. Haha.. Well, is it just me that thinks that TVXQ is top of the class when it comes to boybands? No offence to F4 fans though.. Just my 2 cents worth..

Watch the MV for yourself


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