Saturday, December 22, 2007

Xmas Greetings from DBSK

a short summary:
ALL: hello! we're dbsk!
YH: finally, what we've been waiting for: christmas!
[love the cool acappella!]
YH: yeah, it's finally christmas, and we're still thinking of what we want for x-mas. how should we spend it?
JS: first, i hope it'll snow. i want a white x-mas.
YH: oh, i don't know if white x-mas will go well with JS' face [a red face joke ^^;]
JS: i wanna play snow fight on a white x-mas. and put little stones in the snowball and stuff. [lol!]
YH: how could you say you wanna throw a snowball to YC? i think it's a good idea. [lol!]
JJ: oh, and if it's a white x-mas, i want to make a snowman. i wanna make one with all the great features of each member and make the world's best-looking snowman. [totally!]
YH: it's be one and only snowman.
JJ: how about you?
YH: i wanna make a x-mas tree together. actually, last year, CM decorated x-mas tree by himself, so we felt bad. so this year, we wanna decorate a tree together.
YC: the funny thing is all 4 of us were like, ah, we feel bad, we feel bad. but we all went out anyway. [lol!]
oh, this year!
YH: this year!
YC: i wanna go ice fishing! we'd make the round hole on the ice. and put JS in it. [lol! they are hilarious here!!]
YH: oh, that's a great idea! and after we catch the fish, we'd put the frozen fish on the tree. [lol, omg, yh! too funny!]
JS: we put the fish on the tree? lol!
JJ: great idea. how about CM?
CM: first of all, i want it to snow. but i want the snow to melt on the way down. 'cause then it won't accumulate. if snow accumulates, then there will be traffic congestion. [lol!]
YH: oh, as expected, CM is realistic. [lol!]
JS, JJ, YC: realistic? no, it's [i can't hear what they're all saying, but so cute!]
YH: i'm just trying to say nice things about all members! [lol!]
well, this year is almost over. if you've had any bad experience or memories, we hope that you'll forget about them and begin anew. and next year is the year of...
JJ: rats.
YH: yeah, it's the year of the rat [zodiac].
YC: it's the year of mickey mouse. [kawaii~].
JS: year of ddolghi. [it's a character from "꾸러기수비대" ("Eto Ranger"). i'm so curious what CM is whispering to YC... T_T]
JJ: oh, ddolghi. in the manga.
YH: you have to be careful of how to pronounce the name.
JS: 자축인묘 (子丑寅卯)'s 자(子). [chinese character about the zodiac.]
CM: wow, you know about 자축인묘?
JS: yeah, 자.축.인.묘.진.사.오.미.신.유.술.해. [the 12 characters about the chinese zodiac.^^]
YC: oh, you've really watched the anime well. [lol!]
JJ: anyway, next year is the year of the rat. which means to be diligent. full of joy and health. we really hope that you'll all have a safe, healthy start of a new year.
YH: we'll continue to do our best in the new year. please wait for us, and continue to support us!


credits:dnbn + as tagged

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