Monday, September 10, 2007

DBSK Friend Finding Meme

I've been really busy lately. But I took time to do this. You should too. If you have an LJ Account that is. Even if you don't have one, it would be great if you all could fill it out too and post it in the comment box.

After all, we all have one common interest = DBSK!!!
One common interest = excuse to be friends!

Hehe.. Let's share the DBSK love around and get to know each other!

Here's the link [

If you don't have an LJ account fill up this form.

★ AGE:

To wrap up, Here's mine!

★ NAME: Lynn
★ AGE: 22 (Am I like the OLDEST here??? *faints* Hope not.. Hehehe...)
★ LOCATION: KL, Malaysia. Land of sunny and humid weather.. Love it and can't imagine living anywhere else..
★ FAVOURITE MEMBER: Junsu and Yoochun!
★ FAVOURITE COUPLE: DUH.. YOOSU of course!! They're the cutest things ever!!!!! LOL.. I hope I don't get pounced on by Jaeho fans. ^_^
★ RANDOM FAVOURITES: Suju? They're DBSK bro band after all. I love Kimi Raikkonen, Supernatural, Heroes, etc, bla bla bla.. My brain is kinda jammed now.. Hahaha... I like the colour green, I like unhealthy spicy/fried food. I like sleeping or just plain lazing around (Gosh I miss doing that).. Will add if I think of more.
★ CURRENT OBSESSION(S): Still is DBSK. Nothing else matters.. LOL
★ ANYTHING ELSE?: I LOVE IT IF YOU RESPONSE. Really.. Your comments give me motivation to post more. They really do!! But seriously, I love that the response is way better these days.. Thank you all so much for supporting DBSKer.. DBSK HWAITING!!! DBSK FANS HWAITING!! WOOT! ^_^

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