Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Junsu's International Fan Cafe

Okay.. I got this piece of news from Gaea. It was from a bulletin by Kayem7289x in youtube urging us to support and join the Junsu International Fan Cafe. For all the help that Kay has been to me, I shall support the cause then! (Of course.. Me being a Junsu fan is also a reason. ^_^) So here's her message:

Hi everyone,
Yes, Junsu FINALLY has his first completely English fancafe!


It just opened a few days ago, so it's still extremely small, which is why it needs your support! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE register and participate if you can!

Also, spread the word so that it can start growing and discussions can ACTUALLY be made lol. I know A LOT of you, so if you don't register, prepare for some major scolding xD! It'll be disappointing as well, and when I'm disappointed, I don't upload or download lol.

I won't be around for much longer, so I want to see it grow to as much as it can before I leave, so your participation will be greatly appreciated. So again, PLEASE join and spread the word!
The other boys' fancafes are currently under some work, so they'll launch soon.

Thanks guys! Repost this message if you can.


I'll post a screencap here of the forum as a preview. Do remember to check it out!

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