Saturday, August 25, 2007

DBSK in Taiwan

Some links and news of the DBSK's recent events in Taiwan plus a fan/staff account of the boys' experiences.

Two links where Junsu called Yoochun "Ai Ku Gui" (crybaby), much to the surprise of the interviewer. The interviewer commented that he must have secretly learnt the word.

Two links of the Fansign Meeting in Taiwan where DBSK attempted to speak in Mandarin much to the delight of the Taiwanese fans who screamed after every phrase. Some translations provided.
(Credits to: yoochunsa64 @ youtube)
Part 1
JS: "please support dbsk forever~"
YC: "i'm micky. how are your mom & dad?" (in chinese) lol!
"well, there is no problem." (in english when the mc asked, "are you willing to marry a taiwan[ese] girl?")^^
JJ: "hi! i'm hero. wo ai ni (i love you). save me." ^^
CM: "hi! i'm max. i missed you all~"
YH: "hello! i'm uknow. taiwan fans are pretty." ^^

Part 2
Q: say / do something to the fans that you would to your girlfriend.

YH: "i love you." (wo ai ni~)
CM: at first he says (in korean) that he hasn't done 애교 [aegyo: act of charm, usually baby-like] even to his parents since he was little. (aw...) then he does the 2 cute gestures. ^^
JJ: he asks (in korean) if he could do it with a song, then sings "wo ai ni"~
YC: "a-a-a-ang~" (in 애교 voice) ^^
JS: "dote on me (yao teng wo yo)!" (?) then "pretty."


TVXQ Left Taiwan like a hurricane after staying for 32 hrs

300 passionate fans sent them off .

[Korean Top Idol Group] TVXQ stayed in Taiwan like a hurricane for 32 hours, since they’ve arrived on 23rd’s daybreak, they’ve set a record of Taoyan Airport for having the most people to pick them up. Yesterday morning (24th), the five boys left Taiwan to bound for their schedule in Japan. The airport was once again packed with loads of fans. The passionate fans had also given the travellers that were about to leave the country a chance to experience the boys’ absolute popular charisma. TVXQ who spared their time on rare occasions had fully shown their sincerity, they even suggested to arrange a close up contact with the fans by having a “Thank you-stamping” activity, in order to show their gratefulness towards their long supporting fans. The 1000 plus fans showed their gratitude with their loud cheering. Max ChangMin, who has always been the shyest among the boys, even flirted according to the audiences’ request for the first time, which pushed the “stamp meeting” into a high tide. Towards everyone’s passion, TVXQ’s 5 members were so touched, and also hoped that this passion can continue on to the 5th and 6th of October’s concert, having a high night with them.

After TVXQ finished their stamp meeting’s schedule, they went to KIKI’s to have their meal with the staff members. Within a short period of time in Taiwan, they’ve tasted Bubble Milk Tea, and also Taidong’s Chishang lunch box that Hero JaeJoong had when he was here in Taiwan for the Golden Melody Award for the first time. This had made Max ChangMin, who was being teased by the fans of not being able to feel full, even happier. He set a record of eating 8 meals per day, which has scared the crap out of most people. There was one period when Max ChangMin wanted to keep fit, but he still managed to eat 3 meals per day. However, the staff members said that everything Max ChangMin ate will only let him grow tall but not fat, which made lots of people being envy towards him. Towards the Taiwan fans’ passion, the 5 boys were very touched and promised to show the fans an unusual performance on the 5th and 6th of October.

Sources: Yahoo! Taiwan
Translator: Millie -TVXQSoul Staff-

Credits: CrazyYochy@soompi


Account of Shanghai’s experiences by an SM worker.

NOTE: Cindy is a worker from SM, she is a Chinese and apparently she is a fan, or has friends who are fans from the Yunho Baidu bar. This was originally written for the fans at his bar and she mentioned how he almost wore the present they gave him. She sincerely expresses her feelings at the Shanghai event, having been with the boys throughout the whole expererience...


Orignal source:

Translation by: Cynsinnn @ Soompi/LJ

Actually I don’t know where I should start writing from… After the Mnet 20s Choice Awards, the boys returned home to rest, they were all in good moods. On the morning of August 22nd at around 6am, I went with their manager to wake the boys up. Yunho had already taken out the shirts sent by his Baidu bar fans but they were all long-sleeved and unsuitable for the weather so unfortunately he had to place them back again (send him short-sleeved shirts next time =.=). After that, they were sent by their managers to the airport. After going through immigration checks the boys immediately rushed to the eating place =.=

Breakfast was noodles, they really had big appetites, I could only chew on bread at the side. Jaejoong was so tired he leaned on the side of the chair to continue sleeping, Yunho wore sunglasses and sat behind Jaejoong, Yoochun was playing games on his handphone opposite Yunho, while the two youngest were still battling with their noodles… We found that there were two fans who kept on following us, the fans now are really incredible, as long as they can follow, they will follow. After eating, we prepared to board the plane. This time’s seating in the airplane unexpectedly separated us and we were put in different classes, the boys were on business class while we took economy class, this really was… the first time. Because I had been wanting to give a surprise, the word “autograph” was written all over my face. Yunho saw me and asked a line: “What?” I was discovered… I could only take the chance while the manager wasn’t looking to take out the picture I wanted Yunho to sign and pass it to him. After speaking a few simple lines to him, I had to board to economy class with the manager, and those two fans followed the boys into the business class =.-=

Once the plane landed, we followed the passengers and walked slowly out of the plane, to see the five boys standing obediently at the side waiting for their manager =.= Good kids...Yunho took the chance when the manager was talking to Junsu to pass me the signed items, but his autograph is… “Yunho ah, why is it so shaky?” “Noona, when I was signing the plane was really shaky….” He said innocently. However the Chinese characters were really written, or rather drawn, very well. After a trip to the men’s, we reached the immigration checkpoint and Jaejoong had his passport in between his lips, his hand holding a pen. At this time I could already hear chants of “Dong Bang Shin Ki” coming from the fans, it was absolutely clear.

Because I cleared the checkpoint first, I sneaked out to have a look at the scene outside 0_0 There were so many banners… But the first I saw wasn’t the one from Yunho Baidubar but Changmin’s banner from his fans, it was really gigantic… It was comparable to the banners at Korea’s Dream Concert, and there were so many. This outshone Korea, at the very least, I had never seen so many Changmin banners in Korea. When Cody unni called me back, I ran to Changmin’s side and told him about the banners, he smiled really happily. But later on the security at the airport told the manager that there were too many fans outside, they were afraid that it might result in a clash between the fans and the other passengers, so they hoped that we would be able to walk through the VIP exit. Looking at the fans outside, I felt really sorry for them, waiting for so long but still unable to take a look at the boys. The smile on Yoochun was wiped off and Yunho turned his head to look at the banners at the exit, before following the airport security through the VIP exit to the car that was waiting outside.

But the fans were still really incredible, some managed to follow our car. The manager asked the driver to find a way to lose the fans, he was speeding, it was really dangerous. So please don’t try to follow the car anymore next time, because this is really dangerous for the boys, especially when we meet with roads without speed limits. When we reached the arts hub, we actually wanted to go in straight, but we didn’t realise that there were so many fans. Once they saw our car they practically mobbed us. The fans were banging on the car windows and you can hear the sound of the banging, it was really scary. I was absolutely worried that the glass will break ~ Changmin and Junsu looked really shocked and scared and looked out of the windows not knowing what to do. The manager could only ask the driver to drive away fast. From the window I could see many fans following the car, really worried for them, but I’m even more worried that people might do reckless actions.

After the car reached the carpark, we could only wait inside the car without coming out. But as the time drew nearer, we still could not find any safe way out. In the end we changed the car and the staff used the first car to draw away the fans, and changed and did make up inside the new car. Speaking of changing, I could only sit inside the car, using the manager’s jacket to cover myself (so she wouldn’t be able to see anything). My imagination was really running wild as I could hear the rustle of clothes all over.=.=

We continued waiting inside the car for very long, really had no choice. In the end the boys entered the arts hub so tiredly. While resting in the waiting room, I heard that this fanmeeting actually had entrance tickets, and the prices were shockingly high. Why is it like that? The version I heard at first was that the fans got in by a lucky draw, why isn’t it like that? The workers from the Korea branch all heard of the news and were discussing whether anyone even came when the prices were so high. At this time the manager came over and warned us not to tell the boys. How could we tell them, it was too much for them to handle… But I still felt that Jaejoong knew, because when we were about to enter, I saw him using his hands to pat his cheeks lightly. I thought that he felt uncomfortable, so I went over to ask him, but he said that he was just nervous.

But later on what I discovered made me confirm that this kid knew the truth.. .Aish… Later on, amidst loud calls of “Dong Bang Shin Ki”, the boys finally met the 200 fans. I stood at the side looking at the crowd and finally felt touched. The fans were really great and orderly and followed well when the media was taking photos. The five boys really gave the organizers face, and drank the 7% drinks on the table, Yoochun and Junsu were investigating the packaging and looked quite happy. Yoochun even asked me backstage why they printed Hangul on Chinese products, and told me that their picture was too small… For this I was unable to explain why. When I was thinking that everything was going smoothly, I found out that not everyone who came was able to get an autograph and things weren’t going as they hoped. What were the organizers thinking? In a scene of confusion and noise, the boys left, Jaejoong who was at the backstage had red-rimmed eyes, but told me that he was just touched by the fans… Hope that he won’t blame things on himself, because this isn’t his fault…

We returned to the manager’s car and drove to the airport again. It was quiet in the car, the boys were tired, but maybe they could also have felt the fans’ disappointment. I sighed unknowingly and Yunho turned around to look at me, I could only smile and turn away… After seeing them enter the airport, I returned home alone in the car…

I want to say here that, as a person who has gone through the same experience as the boys in Shanghai, everything at the airport really left a deep impression on me. I could really see your love for them, it is a really deep love, all the preparation and hard work put in, we all understood, the boys also understand. But despite the deep love you have for the boys, please consider the boys’ feelings, don’t try to follow them in the car, and even more so, don’t surround their car, it is dangerous for both parties. Although the organisers’ arrangement made all of us tired, we understood everyone’s intentions, the boys’ have also told me that they really want to come to Shanghai to hold a concert, but we can’t decide everything, so please be more patient alright? Don’t hate the boys just because of this event or say pessimistic words, your support is extremely important to them!

Okay.. Sorry for the MEGA LONG post. Was a little lazy to do multiple posting.. Hehee..


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