Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Curious Case of Melting Glaciers

Its no more hot news of a news of a melting glacier or the rising sea level or any abrupt weather change. The news has been  repeated so many times that it probably have lost its oomph factor. Earlier still a few eyebrows would have been raised, a few debates arranged, but now its almost like a regular issue and until it affects us or our neighbourhood directly, why the heck over it. Or may be a feeling that perhaps these Climate fanatics are over-exaggerating or sorely has a profit motive behind it.

Human beings perhaps has never been do in-different like ever before. In these age of quick news and instant food, our thought processes has also come down drastically. Debates have been replaced by flash quizzes. Our overall social life has changed. Although there is a social in Social Networking but that has cut our face to face interactions or our weekend visits to ouir neighbours.

So now the reader may wonder whats the connection between Glacier and Social Networking. My point here is about us being going indifferent towards nature. And a few are just doing some lip-service in the name of green conservation. Carbon Credit feature are simply being used by Giant companies to re-furbish their balance sheets and not keeping in mind the actual cause and once the balance sheet purpose is fulfilled, its back to square one.

Glaciers melt, sea levels rise and the smaller islands get lost forever from our earths surface. Sometimes we do wonder in awe when we see on television, the glaciers crumbling like nine pins, but hardly ever go at the root of it, or to how we can resist it. Its alright Earth or the universe has its own way of doing things, but what about the artificial factors behind global warming.

Can we not slow down the destruction of our mother earth. Maybe we can if the entire world as a whole stand up and recognize this colossal calamity and then work jointly towards at arriving at a solution which our next-generation can enjoy. And here the main factor will be Every country for whatever its size or strength should for once forget about its might and prescribe to a globally accepted standard for the betterment of our planet.
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