Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Drained Again..

Stumbled upon this news in the DBSG Comm in LJ. Its kinda sad really to know that DBSK is drained and stretched to their limits again. I'm not sure how true this account is.. But let's not all panic or anything, but just wish them well and perhaps pray that they recover soon.

It's something like.. the concert has been toured for the fifth day?.. during the rehearsal for the concert.. jaejoong had already vomited..
And when the concert started.. in order to have his energy back.. he keep on inject some medicine .. and his arm already has the mark of those needles.. his face is pale.. and still wants to continue the rehearsal..
Those japan dances steps.. appeared to be easy, but in actual, it requires alot of strength.. his japanese now is fluent, so you can imagine how much effort he put in to improve them

AND TODAY, HE FAINTED!.. REALLY FAINTED.. everyone's is nt in the gd condition, but as for jaejoong, he has reached his limit.. !

credits: tvxqforever @ soompi

Another update.

Today, JaeJoong's health has recovered. He fainted due to not enough of rest, now he is okay. His condition now is not bad and he will continue the Japan Tour till the end! Today his health condition is better. Everyone please do not worry, most importantly is continuing support him!

Source: JJ Baidubar
credits: + tvfxqforever

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